Listen to the news and then check the news through back-up sources. Read your major newspapers and watch network news, like the New York Times, LA Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Washington Times; but there are many other sources including on-line and international. Strangle the marketing of substandard reporting. Write and call-in to media outlets and information outlets who don't tell the truth or embellish their stories. Also contact those who are accomadationist, who are inextricably beholden to their subjects. Recent news has a number of examples of behind the scenes influences on vital stories. To paraphrase President Kennedy, "Ask ..." Always ask. Object to uncivil tete a tete's between so-called experts wielding their tongues like gangsters wield switchblades in a urine stained alley in the boroughs of New York City. People's patriotism, established credentials, fidelity, sobriety, family history, medical records and ethics are smeared, dissected and devoured with the wantonness of a Jeffrey Dahmer. At least Jeffrey Dahmer never was confused about being a cold-blooded killer. Today's serial character assassins are pedigreed, well-educated, well-placed, wear power ties and ... are beyond reproach and have made a living from the blood-letting and suffering from their victims. Some achieve fame without establishment credentials out of sheer chutzpah and pluck, some for close to a generation. Ideology and religion don't separate either side of the political spectrum from equal zeal and methodology in neutron bomb public debate. Neutron public debate kills reputations and meaningful understanding of the issues, but keeps the engines of capital and remote power-brokers pristine and unscathed. The politics of personal destruction of our time has been perfected in such a protracted and attentive fashion as to attempt to supplant Machiavelli and Sun Tzu in history. In today's murky and muddy climate, there is sure to be 'collateral damage' and 'friendly fire' losses of civility, truth and love of country. War is hell, but open, honest and full public debate is in 'Hell's Fourth Ring'. Knowledge of the issues is your first response.
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